April 18, 2024

We’re Back!

Hi all! Really quick middle of the night post to say Hello! I see you! Welcome back! You’ll notice that payment has changed. I’m now working […]
January 8, 2022

How Does Content Work?

Don’t panic — nothing’s changing! I just wanted to make everything very very clear exactly how every month’s worth of content goes, with some of the frequently […]
March 11, 2021

How Content & Subscriptions Works

Hello everyone! I’m just going to settle in and upload some more things today, but I wanted to clear up a couple of things that some people have been confused by recently! I’ve been doing this for a few years now, so sometimes I forget that people don’t have my routine down like I do!  […]

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July 27, 2024

May I offer my Kingdom?

The proposition: my kingdom, for the ability to host longer videos like sites that are owned by actual companies and not one not web designer. Seriously, I dunno how to do any of this, I just take photos of my ass for a living. But anyway! This is posting quite late tonight because I’ve been […]

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July 22, 2024

Ok, Back at ‘Em!

I’m putting together a little something special for Diamond subs, and OF — I’ll probably give out a preview here, too! But while I work on that, I have just a little something to tide you over. I’ve been to this location a couple times before, most recently this was where I did Leon from […]

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July 15, 2024

Another Preview

I love a little tease, of course. My favourite thing to do is to send partners sexy photos when they can’t possibly look at it. So posting these in the middle of a work day (which today is not for most people, lol, but it is for me so I will pretend) brings me great […]

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July 14, 2024

The Uncensored GIFs

This is FAR from all of them, though — presuming you were enjoying the dick content from before, at least! Don’t worry, though, pussy enjoyers, I’ve got you covered too. Personally, I like looking at both, so you’re trapped in here with me.

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July 13, 2024

I Made a LOT of GIFs

I hope you’re ready for a lot of GIFs in general moving forwards. They’re honestly a lot easier for me to do than video clips of the same thing because recently the cats have spent most of my photo shoots yelling and zooming around in the background and you can hear it so clearly. LOL […]

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July 12, 2024

A Sneaky Peek!

Diamond tier gets a little something spicy every month, and some months it’s also accompanied by this kind of spicy! As y’all (probably?) know, I have a vagina, but I’ve been collecting some dicks because I think it’s fun to do photo sets that have both. I’ve blurred out the dick in the photo to […]

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July 11, 2024

Introducing …

My new dick! I’m trying to write a lot of things in a lot of different lines in case someone’s clicked on this and they’re like oh no I’m actually not into dicks. In which case now’s the time to hit the back button! Really though! I appreciate the rest of you who are still […]

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July 10, 2024

Oops! Just One!

At least for the moment! There are more photos, of course, for Diamond Tier, but they’re a little different, so I don’t want to throw them onto the same page in case it jump scares someone. And by it I mean my new fake dick! I really like my other realistic one, but the shape […]

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July 9, 2024

These are also Really Good, Though

Just because the last group had my favourites doesn’t mean that it’s not worth looking at these! At least I think so, so if there are any dissenting parties out there, I guess you’re going to have to make yourself known.

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July 8, 2024

My Favourites are Here

The couple close ups where I’m also throwing the cloak?? Hello??? Who gave me permission???? I’m so proud of those, haha. I see a lot more throwing of costume pieces in my future after this.

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July 7, 2024

Another Version

Of course I didn’t only have the nipple-free versions of those cape throwing photos. That would mean that I’d planned ahead and remembered that social media can’t fucking stand nipples. No, instead I never remember that and I just wind up having to painstakingly put hearts over my video on instagram, lol.

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July 6, 2024

Was REALLY Feeling this Look

I know I have said that quite a bit. But y’all don’t understand the pure joy that happened when I started getting to flip the cape around. Sometimes, I put on things, and I’m not sure whether it looks good until I’m reviewing the photos after, but omg, you can’t tell me shit in this […]

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July 6, 2024

Let Me Tell you About …

Something that I’ve talked about before, definitely, and something that you’re probably already familiar with if you’re either very cool, or at least follow me on social media. Interview with the Vampire. It’s just … it’s really good, ok? And I have such a mad crush on Assad Zaman, I don’t even know how to […]

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July 5, 2024

Top Tier Gay~

I guess everything here is technically Top Tier Gay. Oh, can I make that my tag line? I’ll put it on a business card, lol. I want a lovely business card, on nice card stock, with lovely golden script, and it can just say “Gray Poisonne” and underneath the subtitle is “Top Tier Gay”. Anyway, […]

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July 5, 2024

Almost All of These

Just Diamond Tier left after I finish this up! When I sent these out, they also got some fun GIFs and videos from here~ But these photos are also great, I don’t want you to feel like you’re missing too much. Maybe just enough to make you seriously consider joining us on Diamond Tier. I […]

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July 5, 2024

I Just Realized Something

It turns out I haven’t really been taking my costumes OFF recently, so much as just pulling them to the side. I’ll have to make sure I do something with some nudes soon to balance it out! No one’s complained, though. LOL. So maybe I won’t! I personally find pulling the panties out of the […]

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July 4, 2024

Some Sneaky Previews

I’ve been enjoying doing really porny looking preview images, so now you’re stuck with them, too! I’m sure there will be plenty of complaints about this, so please attach all feedback to a crisp $50 and mail it to me. xo By the way, if you’ve noticed my typing getting weirder, it’s because I’m not […]

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July 4, 2024

More Selfies, Though!

Because of course there are! Far be it for me to stop a good mirror selfie photoshoot halfway through when I’m really feeling myself. If you look closely, you might see why a bunch of these were inappropriate for social media without some further editing. LOL. I wound up having more than enough photos without […]

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July 4, 2024

Just a Couple More of These

At least for now, the higher tiers are going to see some more of this perspective! Including that last one … phew! Spicy!

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July 4, 2024

A Different Perspective

But same great pride look, including the rainbow socks. I was just really excited about the rainbow socks, I had to make sure I did more than just the mirror selfies! And it had been a while since a did some careful shoe placement photos, so it was nice to do that again, too.

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July 4, 2024

I Also had a Trial Run

Before I decided that I really needed the rainbow socks for the look, I tried with these red and white striped socks I have left over from Xmas. It wound up looking a lot more Where’s Waldo than I was looking for, so the rainbow socks were brought in! lol. Just the fishnet catsuit is […]

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July 4, 2024

A Little Catch up From Pride!

Thanks for sticking with me! My posting’s been just a little spotty — everything’s still going up, just in chunks instead of one a day. I’m trying to balance a few different new things and it’s going …. alright, depending on the day, lol. Content went out for everyone on the 1st, though, so make […]

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June 20, 2024

Say Goodbye to the Dungeon!

At least until I inevitably figure out something else to do photos of there so that I can do back, this was a really fun location and I had a good time doing these photos! I always like a good excuse to go out and make something different than I would be able to in […]

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June 20, 2024

Thank you, Sponsors!

Some of the Previously Sponsored images are in here — thanks, ShinRa! I’m not sure for what, since really they’d just gotten in the way before, but really, that seems to be what they’re the best at, in game. Anyway, here’s Hojo, ready to bear the next Generation of great Hero. Who better to make […]

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June 20, 2024

The Panty Shots

You know which ones, the ones we were already talking about before! The ones where I had to edit my pussy out, lol. But without those edits done! I guarantee, it’s worth having a look at them this way, as well!

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