Another year! I know that I’m getting old, because I keep being like “what do you mean it’s Halloween? What do you mean it’s my birthday? What do you mean it’s 2024?” Things really do just keep happening, huh? ANYWAY. I finally did a cosplay in time for Halloween this year that’s been on my […]
Because, of course, I’m basically addicted to making GIFs these days. To be honest, I’ve been liking them especially because I haven’t been having to worry about whether there’s a screaming cat in the background. I’ve been having bad luck with them deciding to scream their way through my photo shoots, recently.
I love a set! I missed a set! Didn’t have one last month and it broke my heart a little bit, because stuff like this is what really fills my cup. I do like doing photos at home, because I don’t have such strict time constraints (which I need for when I’m doing my own […]
Going to start with the new content, but don’t worry — when I send out your roundups at the end of the month, I’m going to include a ton of old Halloween content! (If I can figure it out, I might try and push some old posts up to the front again. We’ll see! I’m […]
It sure has been a little bit of A Month for me, but don’t worry — there’s going to be so much bullshit up for Halloween this year. You know how I fucking love Halloween. And we’re building the Blood Pool at Dangerous Ladies again this year. I really do mean We, but I’m really […]
Did I say that last month with the yoga pants look? I full on don’t remember, LOL. I could scroll back and look, but am I going to? Absolutely not.So you’ll have to tell me — is it just me, or is there something so sexy about some really casual pants, almost falling off? I […]
Have I already complained about having a hard time getting photographers to keep their appointments with me? lollll, if I have I’m sorry, but here we are again. I actually rushed Mahito as a cosplay, because I was supposed to do a shoot with a specific photographer who was excited about him …. and instead […]
Honestly, thought Mahito would be a one and done kind of cosplay — most of the time I don’t love wearing long wigs, and I’m not huge on how they look on me (maybe as a result of knowing how uncomfortable and gross I felt while I was in the wig, lol) — but I […]
I’ve been trying to do at least one because, well, between you and me, I make a lot more money on them on OnlyFans. And I just love paying my rent and eating so much. So yeah, here’s another set in which, yes, I look very hot, but I’m also just meh about it because […]