June 20, 2024

And Now, a Word from our Sponsor

There’s only one sponsor necessary, obviously! Only one we’ve ever needed! ShinRa Electric Power Company, currently cock blocking you just a little bit! lol. I think a little bit of mystery is sexy, though, so maybe if you’re like me you’ll still really enjoy these anyway!

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June 20, 2024

Lots of Photos Here

But it’s a little bit because I’m lying to you! lol, let me explain: I straight up just didn’t catch that my pussy had breached containment while we were shooting, and so there were a lot of butt photos that I didnt’ intent to also be pussy pics that were, in fact, pussy pics. So […]

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June 20, 2024

ISO: Test Subjects

The vast and powerful ShinRa Electric Power Company is in search of those who can assist in bringing forth the next generation of great Hero — greater even, perhaps, than Sephiroth himself! Just don’t ask too many questions, sign these forms, and step behind this curtain! In all seriousness, though …. it’s actually so hard […]

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June 20, 2024

We Shot in a Dungeon

Some of y’all might remember that I spent a while working at a Latex Fetish company. That took me through and around dungeons a half decent amount of time, as you might expect. So it was sort of nostalgic to wind up in a working dungeon again for these photos! I think it all went […]

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June 20, 2024

These Have a Story

It’s not MUCH of a story, but it’s a little bit of a story! And who knows, maybe you’ve missed me saying that I’m medically horny, idk what of mine you’ve read and what you haven’t. So I’ll mention it again here. I was taking these mirror pics, and I was really enjoying what these […]

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June 20, 2024

Can I Still Label This Lingerie?

When, really, it’s just a lab coat and boots at this point. I’m not sure that’s lingerie. It IS fucking hot, just not lingerie. But then — maybe I’m overthinking it, and we should just all appreciate the view. 😉

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June 20, 2024

Didn’t Wear the Shirt

So I didn’t wear Hojo’s shirt for these photos — he just wears a black dress shirt, like the deeply uninspired dresser he is — but I did wear them for the other photo set I did that’s coming up, and honestly? Should have done it the other way around, because my place had much […]

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June 20, 2024

Selfies for Science

I assume that everything Hojo does is for science, he seems like a one-track mind kind of guy. You know, what with the whole, constantly asking any and all women he sees whether they want to bear the next generation of hero. To be fair, that’s also how I try to meet women. (Thankfully I’m […]

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June 20, 2024

More Selfies, Less Hoodie

Yep, the usual progression! Just a bit, though. I was working on the Stillsuit for Yeticon at the time (you might be able to see it on the table behind me!) so I just stopped to take a really quick couple selfies before I got back to it.

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June 20, 2024

From Self Portraits to Selfies

And not even Hojo ones! There will be Hojo ones, of course, don’t you worry for even a moment — but I have these ones too that I wanted to make sure I shared! Dangerous Ladies made crew shirts and hoodies, and the only thing I needed to hear was Crop Hoodie before I knew […]

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June 20, 2024

Top Tier Self Portraits

Not to be confused with all of the other top tier stuff we’re going to have going on coming up, this is really the least of it, if you ask me! It’ll be very good to get you warmed up on, though. Maybe take it slow, pace yourself a little bit. These might be the […]

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June 20, 2024

Lots of Close Ups

In fact almost entirely close ups but there’s that ONE photo in here that ruined it! Now that I’m looking at it again, I’m kind of kicking myself for not putting it in a different tier, just for the sake of neatness. (I’m not actually going to do that, but it’s a nice thought, lolllll)

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June 20, 2024

The Lab Coat Stays On

Actually, you’re going to find that the lab coat stays on for almost all of my Hojo photos. After the whole deal with him wearing his whole usual outfit on the beach, I feel like he’s probably also one of those guys who’s going to keep his lab coat and socks on while he fucks […]

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June 20, 2024

I’m Behind

So let me show you some appropriate photos! Of … of my behind. Eh? Eeehhhh? Get it? You’re welcome. I think I’m funny, at least, lol. I have all of the photos for the month already locked and loaded to go at the end of the month for everyone, I just haven’t gotten them up […]

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June 12, 2024

Alright, More Hojo

Aw yes, we’re getting into the good titles already. To be honest, I had my schedule for the month just messed up pretty badly (for no fault of my own I swear), so I’ve just been hanging on by a thread, but I’m limping along getting these up!

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June 7, 2024

More Hojo Lore

You’re almost caught up, though, so bear with me. Or — would you perhaps like to bear the next generation of great hero? He quite literally tries to steal the female members of your team to turn them into breeding stock. He has a whole machine to pick them up, it’s an entire boss fight. […]

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June 7, 2024

Let’s Introduce Hojo

In case anyone’s not in the know, let me give you a little flavour text for some of the photos you’re going to see later this month. Hojo’s a mad scientist, essentially. He’s employed by ShinRa, the biggest, baddest, planet ruining-est corporation around, to commit general crimes against humanity in the name of “science”. He […]

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May 23, 2024

You May have Noticed

You May have Noticed That there’s not a lot of continuity in these photos re: how much I have on. I have no excuse for that, I put pieces on and took them off multiple times over the course of these photos, and that just is what it is, lol. I’ve also included one that’s […]

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May 23, 2024

We Love a Suit, But …

We Love a Suit, But … Where I live, if you live in an apartment building it’s a totally normal thing to not actually have control over your Air Conditioning yourself, if you even have air conditioning. So I guess I’m incredibly spoiled because I have a whole ass AC and Heating control in my […]

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May 23, 2024

I Think I’m Developing a Style

I Think I’m Developing a Style Although maybe it’s not so much a style as this one specific spot in my apartment has enough space for me to put the camera far enough away and also really good lighting that does at least 50% of the work on my abs. So yeah, guess it’s time […]

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May 23, 2024

The Non Cosplay Look of the Month

The Non Cosplay Look of the Month It should be illegal for me to look so good for suits but have so few reasons to wear them. (It’s a dumb idea to wear them for making things, definitely, lol.) So I’m just going to keep taking photos in them to give myself a reason to […]

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May 23, 2024

Obsessed with these Pants

Obsessed with These Pants I actually have the same pants … but in grey … and they’re my other favourite pants. (I actually like them slightly more in the winter than these ones because the grey fabric is slightly thicker. I should probably do photos in those, too, huh. I wish I had a blazer […]

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May 16, 2024

Some of my Faves

Some of my Faves No joke, some of my favourite photos from the sets are almost always in Platnum/Diamond tiers. I can’t draw, so I’ve gotta get my favourite characters being whores out there somehow. I think I’ve used the word whore a lot in the last few posts? I should try and change that […]

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May 16, 2024

I Know I Said …

I Know I Said … That I’m actually really shy in real life. Well, here’s where y’all stop believing me, when you remember that there’s at least one other person I don’t know well in the room, and a couple of my other friends around, keeping an eye on the blood pool. Then there’s a […]

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