I ALSO love taking the jeans off. Even though these ones are worn in just the right amount and they’re so damn comfortable. (I thrifted them for like $8, it’s my favourite way to buy jeans, LOL. Someone else has already done all the work of breaking them in!)Also they’re MENS jeans, and I’m sure […]
I need to remember to do a lot more close ups because I LOVE them. I should have done a bunch in the Yoga Pants, I don’t know why I didn’t. I could even hold my camera at the same time! Well, there’s something to revisit when we’re done Halloween, I guess!(I actually found something […]
It sure has been a little bit of A Month for me, but don’t worry — there’s going to be so much bullshit up for Halloween this year. You know how I fucking love Halloween. And we’re building the Blood Pool at Dangerous Ladies again this year. I really do mean We, but I’m really […]
I thought about breaking them up into different posts, but then I decided since I’ve just been dropping these as I write them instead of writing a batch and scheduling one a day, it’s all going in one dang post! So let’s start with some more jeans~ And of course — the jeans had to […]
Did I say that last month with the yoga pants look? I full on don’t remember, LOL. I could scroll back and look, but am I going to? Absolutely not.So you’ll have to tell me — is it just me, or is there something so sexy about some really casual pants, almost falling off? I […]
Always, always, always! … Especially when I have that much wig on. Imagine trying to get the crop top off over that wig. Or I was going to have to take it off, and go put it back on its wig head, then get my top off, then get the wig back on, and I […]
As is a time honoured tradition around these parts! Today we also observe removing the thong very quickly afterwards.
Have I already complained about having a hard time getting photographers to keep their appointments with me? lollll, if I have I’m sorry, but here we are again. I actually rushed Mahito as a cosplay, because I was supposed to do a shoot with a specific photographer who was excited about him …. and instead […]