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April 26, 2022

Ah yes, more Howl!

In case you’ve been looking all over for more. 😘 (I’m watching the movie in the background while I write these posts, tbh, and it’s magical.) [ngg src=”galleries” ids=”501″ display=”basic_thumbnail” thumbnail_crop=”0″]

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April 25, 2022

Not Done with Howl

Nah, I hope y’all are ready for me to cosplay Howl for the rest of my dang life, okay? I just love a prissy, pretty boy. 😂 Sorry about taking a couple of days off over the past week or so! I really did mean to have posts done, but while Dangrrr was here, I […]

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April 20, 2022

Riley’s Howl Photos

Paul was showing Riley how he’d light and frame some things, and we were playing with moving things around the airbnb and making a set and everything, so that was exciting! I love seeing what different photographers do with the same thing, I think it really illustrates the difference in techniques and artistry.  Anyway, here’s […]

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April 17, 2022

Introducing: Howl Pendragon

In this economy? 😂 This is actually one that I’ve been working on for a long time, and I finished him a little while ago, but finally got to shoot him recently. His coat was a sort of personal project for me, when I realized I already had a coat and pants and shoes and a […]

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April 10, 2022

Return of the Fishnet Bodysuit

As one could imagine, there are, uh, a lot of topless photos from this shoot! 😂 But I managed to get y’all some for some more general consumption as well! 😘 [ngg src=”galleries” ids=”489″ display=”basic_thumbnail” thumbnail_crop=”0″]

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April 4, 2022

Donna Beneviento … But Under the Dress

Alright, I’m done being mean. Here are the beginnings of the photos that I got really cold for. 😂 Like I said before, the place is an abandoned house, and while it seems to still have some power on in there, it was sitting for at least one entire Canadian winter, so the foundations were holding […]

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April 3, 2022

Donna Beneviento

I hope you won’t mind that there are so many pictures of Donna — Paul and I were honestly just having a great time with this. Now that we’re behind a paywall, I feel okay admitting that we went into an abandoned property for this one! Paul and I have both dabbled in urban exploring, […]

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April 1, 2022

Angie and Donna Beneviento

It’s APRIL FIRST, and honestly, I’m just so happy about this photoset, that I just needed to share it with all of you. I think this is some of my finest work, so even though it’s a little racier than what I usually post to some of you, I hope you can still enjoy it! […]

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March 27, 2022

More Zag Selfies!

And this time, we’re starting to get rid of the costume! Y’know, as nature intended. People on my snap had to put up with like a solid half hour of me just feeling myself in my panties before I actually put the cosplay on. 😂 Not that anyone was, y’know, complaining.  [ngg src=”galleries” ids=”477″ display=”basic_thumbnail” […]

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