May 16, 2024

Some of my Faves

Some of my Faves No joke, some of my favourite photos from the sets are almost always in Platnum/Diamond tiers. I can’t draw, so I’ve gotta get my favourite characters being whores out there somehow. I think I’ve used the word whore a lot in the last few posts? I should try and change that […]

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May 16, 2024

I Know I Said …

I Know I Said … That I’m actually really shy in real life. Well, here’s where y’all stop believing me, when you remember that there’s at least one other person I don’t know well in the room, and a couple of my other friends around, keeping an eye on the blood pool. Then there’s a […]

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May 16, 2024

Time to be Shameless

Time to be Shameless Honestly, I wish that time to be shameless was more times for me. I’m actually pretty shy and introverted. I have to recover for days after a convention, like at least as many days as I was out being social. However, the Blood Pool? That was a time to be shameless. […]

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May 10, 2024

Just a Couple More

Just a Couple More But it’s quality, not quantity, am I right> And there’s some good quality here, that one photo is a lot spicier than is usually seen in these parts!

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May 10, 2024

New and Improved Zag

New and Improved Zag Y’all are going to have to just accept me fixing up Zag instead of making a new Hades character, because omg they’re so complex. All of the individual little bracelets and custom trims and wearing spines as sashes and just no respect for the actual laws of physics. I have a […]

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May 9, 2024

Last of Vintage Zag

Last of Vintage Zag I can’t decide whether this was just back when I had shame and there was too many people around for me to be any more of a white (although Zagreus absolutely is a whore). Or whether everything was just a low-key nightmare and I called it a day before I really […]

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May 9, 2024

2020 Zagreus

2020 Zagreus Even though I think the newer Zag photos are technically better, I’m still really proud of these! Zag was a really big learning experience. And very humbling, lol. But the photos still came out great, which is definitely a testament to both Kameraninja’s skills, and Christine of Dangerous Ladies taking over as my […]

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May 8, 2024

Hades 2 is just about Here!

Hades 2 is just about Here! And I will take literally any excuse to post some more Zagreus. I want to start with a couple direct comparisons, because we love growth in this house! This is so fun — to the left is my first go at Zag. This was in 2020, which was A […]

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March 27, 2022

More Zag Selfies!

And this time, we’re starting to get rid of the costume! Y’know, as nature intended. People on my snap had to put up with like a solid half hour of me just feeling myself in my panties before I actually put the cosplay on. 😂 Not that anyone was, y’know, complaining.  [ngg src=”galleries” ids=”477″ display=”basic_thumbnail” […]

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