At least, some of the Yeticon photos! I’m almost done all of my Diluc photoset — it took me a while because it’s more than 80 photos, but I had to cull that down from 1500. 😂 But anyway — Please enjoy some Diluc from yeticon! I posted one of these and multiple people on […]
Slliiiiightly less lingerie! You know how it goes by now! 😈 [ngg src=”galleries” ids=”291″ display=”basic_thumbnail” thumbnail_crop=”0″]Also, just FYI — I’m flying out to the mountains today! Please wish me luck, I’m super nervous about flying, even if it’s just in-country (and we’re doing pretty well in vaccination rates). Once I’m out there, I essentially won’t […]
So, when I originally saw this Lingerie set, I couldn’t decide between the black and pink versions … which is why I had to do two matching catgirls! 😂 I actually didn’t buy the lingerie sets for a cat girl at ALL … I might release the photos of the character I did buy them for […]
Very excited to show this one — it’s a little reminiscent of that catgirl bath set that I did earlier this year! I loved that look, but I wanted everything to go together just a little better, so: tadaa! I feel like I’ve nailed it on this go around! [ngg src=”galleries” ids=”281″ display=”basic_thumbnail” thumbnail_crop=”0″]