Today I have another little clip story for you! These are fun, and people really like them on OF, so they’re here to stay! lol. In today’s, I regale you with the story of how I can’t get photographers to keep their appointments for anything, so I really need some help holding a camera. I […]
Diamond tier has a whole three videos headed their way, with a little story between them! I’ve been really enjoying making those multi-step videos, so buckle up! Hehe. But in the meantime — we have a photo set to finish!
Some of these are historically a little more spicy than I’ve given Gold tier before, but hey! Giving them to you now, so enjoy.
Writing that actually made me have to go back and check if I posted the Griffith ones, and I haven’t, so I guess I’m going to be going and doing that after I’m done these! lol.
I’ve been trying to do at least one because, well, between you and me, I make a lot more money on them on OnlyFans. And I just love paying my rent and eating so much. So yeah, here’s another set in which, yes, I look very hot, but I’m also just meh about it because […]
Yep, the usual progression! Just a bit, though. I was working on the Stillsuit for Yeticon at the time (you might be able to see it on the table behind me!) so I just stopped to take a really quick couple selfies before I got back to it.
And not even Hojo ones! There will be Hojo ones, of course, don’t you worry for even a moment — but I have these ones too that I wanted to make sure I shared! Dangerous Ladies made crew shirts and hoodies, and the only thing I needed to hear was Crop Hoodie before I knew […]
You May have NoticedThat there’s not a lot of continuity in these photos re: how much I have on. I have no excuse for that, I put pieces on and took them off multiple times over the course of these photos, and that just is what it is, lol. I’ve also included one that’s just […]
I Think I’m Developing a StyleAlthough maybe it’s not so much a style as this one specific spot in my apartment has enough space for me to put the camera far enough away and also really good lighting that does at least 50% of the work on my abs.So yeah, guess it’s time for you […]